Power cables
Selecting the best conductor designing the best geometry, that is a crucial for having great performance because geometry and conductor position affects the impedance and the capacitance of the cables. Together with that using innovative design to create efficient dielectrics including fluids (oil) make both having a better isolating effect and reducing the temperature of the conductor also. With the top line of cables MAGNIFICO we also have active ground design makes the isolation extremely efficient to increase background silence perception of higher volume and natural sound to the top.
With the AC cable and power distributor we also introduced filters well know as Bybee filters to cancel quantic/photonics noise give a tremendous focus and incredible sound stage.
The two filter strips on Arno are because one of them is dedicated to the digital units one too the analogue. The digital strip can be used even for analogue units because it is a sort of Diode concept filter allows digital pollution getting out but unable to return in the AC system as it normally happens with the digital electronics. That filtering is transparent for the analogue make the digital strip usable for the analogue unit (but not the opposite).
All GN cables are designed to achieve the lowest capacity to enhance conductivity and fast transient and extreme band extensions the best.
Lucca Il Magnifico
MAGNIFICO cables are: solid core 7 pure real silver conductors of 1mmq each singularly insulated in a tube Elastollan pipe filled with oil controls temperature and makes a virtually perfect damping effect. Two other pure silver solid core conductors are connected one inside and one outside the conductors terminated with external plugs connected to an external active battery power ground filter. The sound despite what people wrongly believe about silver is pretty warm but very detailed, though never ever harsh as pure silver must be compared to what I call “chemical silver” obtained by galvanic treatment of the copper silver plated, that exactly sound the opposite always pretty harsh.
Besides despote the “chemical silver” where oxidation is not conductive the real silver oxidation is exactly the same conductive of the silver itself making the burn-in/breake-in time sounding better (many so called silver cables do the opposite actually).
The special active grounding of the Magnifico make the insulation almost perfect getting incredible noiseless background and super natural detail performance.

The Lucca Il Magnifico is a pure silver solid core cryogenically treated conductor AC cable featuring the Gold Note proprietary design geometry using sealed Elastollan® air tube filled with mineral oil working as dielectric and enabling strong dampening effect.

The Lucca Il Magnifico features an active battery grounding system to perfectly shield the cable virtually blocking all external magnetic and electrical interferences.

The Lucca Il Magnifico also features original Gold Note rhodium plated plugs.
Lucca Extra
EXTRA cables are: solid core hybrid real silver mixed with OFC copper conductors of 1mmq each singularly insulated in a tube Elastollan pipe filled with oil controls temperature and makes a virtually perfect damping effect.
Derived from the magnifco the structure of geometry is the same mixing the solid core conductors pure silver and pure copper and without the active grounding. The sound is quite as good of the Magnifico, very neutral not conditioning but inviting sounding better anything with a delicate detail and high definition rare to find in this category of cables.

The Lucca Extra features solid core cryogenically treated hybrid silver & copper multi conductors fitted in a Gold Note proprietary design geometry using sealed Elastollan® air tube filled with mineral oil working as dielectric and enabling strong dampening effect.

The Lucca Extra also features the same Magnifico Gold Note original rhodium plated plugs.
Lucca Plus
PLUS cables are: solid core with OFC copper conductors of 1mmq each singularly insulated in a tube Elastollan pipe filled with oil controls temperature and makes a virtually perfect damping effect. The Plus as also the same geometry of EXTRA but all made of copper. The sound is clean detailed and very musical. It can’t reach the same high level performance of the EXTRA but for anyone has a decent budget PLUS lines could be a definitive solution for neutral cables if the audio system is well balanced and does not need to cover problems.
The Lucca Plus is a pure 99.9999999% oxigen free copper solid core conductors AC cable featuring the Gold Note proprietary design geometry using sealed Elastollan® air tube filled with mineral oil working as dielectric and enabling strong dampening effect. The Lucca Plus features custom made gold plated plugs.
Lucca MkII
Lucca MkII cable is: Multi stranded OFC copper conductors with minimum insulation to avoid skin effect troubles of the traditional cables makes distortion. Very honest decent cable makes any system sounding and expressing better than standard cables.
It is a line where neutrality and details makes the difference with competitors.
All GN cables are designed to achieve the lowest capacity to enhance conductivity and fast transient and extreme band extensions the best.